I may lie and say not much has happened. In fact, some things have happened. University ended. Hence I became really, really lazy. Too lazy to write something here. But now, as only one week is left, I perhaps may update this one last time. Or the second to last time. The last post will then probably follow when I'm back home.
A short time after my last post, I made a little trip to Stockholm!
To be honest, I was not really in the mood to go there, especially as I had cought a little cold again and was just feeling lazy after finishing all the university assignments and having written all the tests. But I'm really glad I got my bum up and went there. It have been two really amazing days - despite the shitty weather on the first day - in Sweden's capitol.
Because it rained so much, we sought shelter in a very expensive shopping mall. And there we two girls tried on some fancy dresses. :D It was fun. Just Alex, the only guy at this trip seemed slightly bored.
The second day has been well spent in the historiska museet. The Viking-exhibition has been awesome! I loved every piece of it. So it was really easy to spend the whole day there.
After I returned from Stockholm, I visited also finally Aboa Vetus, the historical museum of Turku. There one can see parts of the old street layer and house walls of medieval Turku. A very cool and very archaeological museum. At the moment I'm dreaming about helping at the excavation there. <3
I finally saw my dream-man live on stage when I visited the Raskasta Joulua concert. It was so awesome and I'm more in love than ever with J-P. Leppäluoto. <3
I spent my Christmas at the place of my american friend Serena. It did not really feel like christmas for me actually, but it were two very nice days nevertheless. Because it snowed so much shortly before and during christmas, the outside was really wonderful. We played a lot in the snow. And we baked cookies and muffins. And cooked. And watched movies. Really cosy christmas. :)
The last christmas day (called boxing day here) I've been at another friend's place and ate some real Finnish christmas food. It is very different from the German food. And very much!
New Year has been quite nice but there's not so much to say about it. It's the same as in Germany. People get drunk as a fuck and fire fireworks into the air.
I moved away from my previous place because my rent contract ended at the 31st. I'm really glad I'm out there because I really froze my ass off in that room. Anyhow the heater did not get the room warm enough for me to feel well, although everything has been alright, according to the agency. Pff.
Now I'm at a friend's place and feel really well.
I've been to a recording of The Voice of Finland just two days ago. :D It was really interesting as it was my first time sitting in a studio during a TV recording. It was not live though. But actually it was kind of boring, as I did not understand everything which was said. And I hated to be clapping all the time.
So ... the obligatory To-Do list!
What I've done so far
- I've been to a Finnish excavation.- I've been to Helsinki (3x).
- I've been to Tampere.
- I've been to Espoo (2x) and visited a school there.
- I've been to Tallinn, but did not actually see much of it because I was too tired.
- I've been to Stockholm.
- I've seen Ruissalo.
- I've been to six concerts (Moonsorrow, Unioni-festival, Turmion Kätilöt, Korpiklaani, Crimfall on the ship to Tallinn, Raskasta Joulua).
- I've been to a karaoke-bar three times.
- I met a lot of Finnish and also international metalheads \m/.
- I've been to a heavy Finnish halloween-sitsit! \m/
- I've been to a TV-recording.
- I improved my Finnish-skill a lot!
- I've been to sauna and established some kind of girls' sauna evening together with my Swedish friend.
- I started to learn swordfighting.
- I visited Turunlinna.
- I visited Aboa Vetus.
- I visited the art museum of Turku.
- I ate true Finnish christmas-food.
What I still have to do
- Prepare everything for my departure (sell my goods I don't want to take with me, return books, sign out of university etc., pack my suitcases).- Go to Lapland.
- See northern lights.
- Sauna more often.
- Visit more museums in Turku.
- Visit Levykauppa X.
- Become a Finn. :D
- Find a Finnish boyfriend. xD
I fear I have to abandon some of these eager plans. I won't have the time to go to Lapland anymore before I leave, I won't have the chance to go to Sauna anymore, I won't see any more Northern Lights except a miracle happens and same applies to finding a Finnish boyfriend. Next time, perhaps. I think the mistake was that I tried too hard, I perhaps should not be searching eagerly. So, my search is abandoned now.
I can still become a Finn though. I will continue working on it back home.
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