Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Moonsorrow! (13. Sep.)

One of my favourite bands - Moonsorrow - was giving a gig in Helsinki last saturday. They were accompanied by Crimfall, a band I vaguely knew thus far and which I actually found quite good. I have to admit though that I'm not at all a fan of female voices (hah, although I'm a female myself xD) so ... hm, I preferred the male sung parts of Crimfall.
But Moonsorrow! Aww, it was soooo awesome!

I went to the concert with a japanese girl from my finnish class. Yes, it's awesome, isn't it? Here are people from far-away Japan who are learning how to speak finnish! Also, a Japanese girl who loves finnish metal. Plain awesome! Honoka, I love you! :D
It was a very nice day we had together. And this although I had a big and ugly flu and therefore took some Aspirin to get rid of my headache. Of course, I needed to drink some beer too. I only thought one would get drunk more quickly if you take Aspirin and alcohol. But apparently there's the danger that your tummy may bleed which is not nice at all. I was lucky that day, but please, kids don't do that at home!

I will ask Honoka later if I'm allowed to add some of her photos to my blog.

And for all who are interested, the setlist of Moonsorrow looked as followed:
Jumalten Kaupunki
1065: Aika
Taistelu Pohjolasta

Plain awesome! One of the best concerts I've been to this year and by far the best gig of Moonsorrow I've seen. 

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